Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Blogger !!!

Hi everyone !!! Today is the 8th January, 2009 and this is my 1st attempt EVER of BLOGGIN !!!

So plz allow me some time to get up to speed and work out how this whole thing works.....

I am hoping I can make a contribution towards a better world by highlighting, Injustice, Corruption, Poverty, Inequity, Social Justice, the Environment and my pet Project - the World Wide plight of "Children".

I'm sure you will see references to these issues from time-to-time in my “blogging” efforts.

Right now I am preparing a Public Submission to the South Australian Attorney-General regarding his publication of a request by the Commissioner of Police of South Australia to have a local, so-called “Outlaw” motorcycle “gang” declared unlawful (my interpretation) and the consequences of such Declaration by the Attorney-General to all members of the public – should such Declaration be made by the Attorney under the recently introduced “Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act, 2008 (SA).

I wish readers to know and understand that I do not have, and have never had any affiliation or association with any “outlaw motorcycle gang” and that if these people are involved in unlawful activities of any kind then they ought to be dealt with by the law in a proper and lawful manner to curb such crimes and activities.

This submission will investigate the wider consequences of this legislation, what adequate checks and balances are in place to protect all citizens from “unlawful” or “unethical” or “unjust” activities by those who enforce or investigate these activities and how Parliament has dealt with the 3rd arm of the Westminster system, the Judiciary.

Welcome and Happy reading/s in future.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging Rowan (Ro)... sounds like you have a big task in front of you but i wish you every success. I agree with your direction. I look forward to future posts, xxc

  2. Indeed - it shall be interesting how this unfolds over the next little while.

  3. Welcome to Blogsville (ps I dont blog well yet, but I do read them). I also am going to be very interested in following this .... btw, well done .... :-)x

  4. Welcome to the blogging world Bokkie ;-)

    I look forward to following your posts

